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East Asian Area Studies Summer internships and scholarships

For the 18th year, the Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership (CAPAL) will award nine (9) internships and three (3) scholarships in the summer of 2010 to Asian Pacific American (APA) college and graduate students who CAPAL identifies as future civic, community or professional leaders.
CAPAL will award three (3) scholarships in 2010 to allow outstanding APA students to spend the summer interning for a federal government agency, a Capitol Hill legislative office, or a non-profit organization, and gain firsthand knowledge of the workings of American government. Each CAPAL scholar will be awarded $2,000 in scholarships to support their successful completion of an internship of their choice in the Washington D.C. metro area. Each CAPAL scholar will be responsible for obtaining their own placement. The early scholarship application deadline is March 1, 2010. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis thereafter until all three scholarship positions have been filled.
CAPAL will also provide an additional 9 students with paid internships in Federal Government Agencies. Please go to for more information.
Requirements: Demonstrated commitment to public service, including service to the Asian Pacific American community; GPA of 3.0 or higher
Location: Washington, DC
Compensation: $2,000 stipend
Application Instructions: Download the application from our website at (under Programs). Please be sure to submit all required documents.
Application Deadline: The early deadline for applications is March 1, 2010. Additional applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Only top candidates will be contacted for phone interviews.
Contact: Email:; Website: