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Job Opening-US China Institute

The U.S. – China Institute seeks a self‐motivated, organized, and responsible general office assistant beginning Spring 2010.

Start date: January 11, 2010
$10.00/hr, minimum 10 hrs/wk
Availability most needed: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Work Study Preferred, But Not Required. USC students only.

Duties include data collection, answering phones, website maintenance, and publicity.

The USC U.S. ‐ China Institute aims to enhance understanding of the 21st century’s definitive and multidimensional relationship through cutting‐edge social science research, innovative graduate and undergraduate training, extensive and influential public events, and professional development efforts.

To apply, submit your resume by email, mail, or in person to:

Linda Truong
USC U.S. – China Institute
3535 Figueroa St., FIG 202
Los Angeles, CA 90089‐1262
Phone: (213) 821‐4382