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Social Emotions Study

Subject: Research Studies

We are looking for participants for an fMRI study we will be conducting over the next few weeks on what happens when people feel different emotions, such as admiration and compassion.

This research will involve looking at images or short video clips of real people (possibly accompanied by stories), some of which may be mildly disturbing. You will experience these stimuli both inside and outside of the fMRI scanner. We will make sure that you are comfortable with all stimulus types before scanning begins.

The requirements for the study are:
Aged 18 and over
raised in the United States
native American English speaker
normal or corrected normal vision/hearing
no history of psychiatric or neurological disorders or abuse
no other medical conditions which would preclude you from participating in an fMRI experiment, such as: pregnancy, claustrophobia, or the presence of any non-removable metal within your body (e.g. braces, pacemaker, etc.)

You may be asked to abstain from alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and heavy exercise for twelve hours prior to testing. If you are asked to abstain from these activities, you will be given ample notice.

If you meet the requirements for this study, and would like more information, please e-mail us ( or

If you do not meet the requirements for this study, but would like to hear about future studies, please let us know ( or

Your participation is voluntary. The session will last from 2-4 hours. Participants will be compensated for their time ($10-15/hour).

Please pass this on to any friends/classmates who might be interested.

Thank you very much.

Dr. Antonio Damasio
Dr. Mary Helen Immordino-Yang
Andrea McColl, M.A.
Xiaofei Yang
Andrew Goldman

Brain and Creativity Institute

Thank you for your time. If anyone in the department is interested, please have them contact me (


Andrew Goldman
