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Invitation: Political Economy of the Pacific Rim Workshop -Friday, April 23

Political Economy of the Pacific Rim Workshop
Sponsored by the USC Center for International Studies

The workshop will highlight the growth of Pacific Rim studies at USC and feature collaborative discussion on areas for future exploration, including development strategies, business structures, and security concerns related to political and economic relations among the countries comprising the Pacific Rim. Faculty from the disciplines of international relations, political science, economics, and business will present on their current research. Join us as we discuss our plans for this dynamic field!

Participating faculty will include:
*ROBERT DEKLE, Professor, Economics
*RICHARD DROBNICK, Director, Center for International Business Education Research (CIBER), Marshall School of Business
*DAVID KANG, Professor, School of International Relations, and Director, Korean Studies Institute
*SAORI N. KATADA, Associate Professor, School of International Relations
*JEFFREY NUGENT, Professor, Economics
*STANLEY ROSEN, Professor, Political Science and Director, East Asian Studies Center
*CAROL WISE, Associate Professor, School of International Relations

Friday, April 23, 2010
12:30 -- 2:45PM SOS B40

Lunch will be provided.
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