Monday, April 12, 2010
2-5 PM
The Center for Transpacific Studies is sponsoring a forum on "Transpacific Public Culture," on April 12, 2010, Monday, 2-5 PM in SOS B-40 on the University of Southern California campus. In the first part of the forum, Professor Nancy Lutkehaus of USC's Anthropology Department will speak on "Disney Visions of the Pacific: Cold War Tikis, Tourism and Tribal Art." In the second part, Professor Louisa Schein of Rutgers' Anthropology Department will lead a roundtable on "After Gran Torino: Hmong Countervoices." The roundtable's participants include Bee Vang, the lead actor of the film who played Thao, as well as other Hmong experts and Hmong crew members of the film.
Refreshments will be provided.
Please RSVP to Huong Ninh at
The Center is co-directed by Janet Hoskins of Anthropology and Viet Nguyen of English and American Studies and Ethnicity.
The forum is co-sponsored by the Center for International Studies.