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Experience a First-Year Law Class at USC School of Law + Pre-Law Talk

Wednesday, September 29; 4:00-5:20pm; USC Law School Room 1

Thinking about law school? Get a taste of it during an engaging lecture with USC Gould School of Law Prof. Jody Armour, an expert in criminal defense and prosecution, racial profiling, personal injury claims and sexual predator cases. He teaches Torts, Enterprise Liability, Stereotypes and Law, and a seminar on Prejudice and the Rule of Law.

This program also includes a discussion with the Office of Admissions and current USC law students. We have limited classroom seating so RSVP now by emailing Please provide your USC student ID# along with your current standing, major(s) and minor(s).

Your confirmation and lecture materials will be sent to you via email.

Light refreshments will be served prior to the event at the law school lobby.

Check out the announcement online and Professor Armour's profile.