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Haneulsori 하늘소리–Korean Culture Club

General Meeting: Thursday, October 14, 6:00-7:00pm – Ahn Housemap 

HANEULSORI 하늘소리 is dedicated to spreading Korean culture primarily through Korean traditional percussion music at USC and the community around.  We plan to have weekly practices, frequent social outings, retreats, performances, fundraising and community-service events, and just all-around fun!

We have a lot to offer, are open to everyone (both Koreans and non-Koreans), are looking for people to help shape and participate in our club, and can give you an experience perhaps like no other here at USC.  Looking for that extra something to separate you from the rest?  Need a unique addition to your resume?  Just want to fit in at USC and learn about Korean culture?  We've already built quite a reputation among the Korean community and around the OC through our performances, so come join us!