Participate in the world's premier US-China relations conference, join a global
network of over 700 successful US-China leaders, and be the piece that solves
the US-China relations puzzle!
The Forum for American/Chinese Exchange at Stanford (FACES) invites you to
apply to be a delegate to our FACES On Common Ground 2011 conference! On Common Ground brings forty future leaders of the U.S. and China together
to speak with current world leaders, which have previously included President
George H.W. Bush, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, U.K. Prime Minister John
Major, and more!
FACES is looking for undergraduate and graduate students interested in applying
to On Common Ground 2011. Applicants need not speak Chinese, attend Stanford, or have a strong US-China background. We just seek passionate individuals and future leaders who are interested in being actively involved in the relations between two of the largest world powers in the modern era.
Apply by January 1, 2011.