Buenos Aires Summer Program
USC College Department of Spanish and Portuguese Buenos Aires Summer Program July 1st – August 4th, 2010 First Informational Meeting: Monday, January 11 4:00 p.m., THH 170 The Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the USC College announces its five-week summer program in Buenos Aires, Argentina for 2010. Improve your knowledge of Spanish language and culture and earn four units of credit while living in one of South America’s most exciting cities. Students take one course, live with a local family, and explore Argentine culture through visits to museums, cultural, and historical sites in and near Buenos Aires as well as participation in poetry gatherings, film screenings, theatrical and musical performances, sports events, etc. There will be an optional short trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at the conclusion of the program. Estimated costs: USC tuition (4 units, $5,196) plus airfare and room and board. Possible courses: Spanish 311 Advanced Spanish Through Contemporary Issues Spanish 466: Argentina, Society and the Arts Director: Professor Daniela Bleichmar, bleichma@usc.edu Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Taper Hall 156 213-740-1258 Coordinator: Dr. Claudia Soria, Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires csoria@usc.edu Review of applications will begin on February 1st, 2010. USC reserves the right to cancel any program in the case of an emergency beyond its control, or to cancel programs or substitute classes due to low enrollment or unavailability of faculty. Should the program be cancelled, deposits will be refunded to students. Students must register for eight units of credit. If the program is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, the decision to do so will be made by April 2010. Program is tentative pending approval.