The APASA Shadow Program is the perfect opportunity for students to learn more about APASA and be involved in APASA’s behind-the-scenes work! As part of the Shadow Program, students will have the chance to “shadow” an APASA Executive Board member as well as take part in the assembly’s event planning. The program will run throughout the Fall semester and serves as a precursor to the Internship Program in the spring.
Our aim is to provide shadows with a glimpse of APASA’s function as both a large student assembly and programming organization as well as being able to network and mingle with APASA student leaders. The program is designed primarily for underclassmen but is open to any undergraduate seeking to be involved on campus beyond traditional student organizations.
- Attend APASA Shadow meetings every few weeks (TBA)
- Take part in assembly committee event planning
- Shadow and assist designated e-board member
- Provide general support for APASA events
APASA Shadows are always welcome to attend APASA General Assembly Meetings. (Shadows will be emailed about the time and location of these meetings).
Questions? Feel free to email our Recruitment Director Wing Lee at