Thursday, February 17, 2011, 3:00 – 5:00 pm/ Book Exhibit: 2:00 – 6:00 pm
Place: Doheny Library, Intellectual Commons, Rm. 233/ Book Exhibit: East Asian Library Seminar Room, on Doheny Library’s main floor
RSVP here by February 14
Join us for a reception recognizing the work Professor Peter Berton and his colleagues, Rodger Swearingen and Paul Langer, conducted in the 1950s on the Soviet influence on Japanese left-wing movements, especially the Japanese Communist Party. The grant support they received also covered the acquisition of primary Japanese-language materials, which became the nucleus of the Japanese collections at USC.
Professor Berton will share his recollections of researching Japan early in the Cold War. The program will be available on the internet through a live webcast, in anticipation of broad international interest. An exhibit of items in the Library’s collections relevant to the development of contact between Russia and Japan, focusing especially on the areas of Professor Berton’s postwar studies will accompany the event.
If you have trouble viewing or submitting the RSVP form, please contact Ken Klein (213-740-1772) or Tomoko Bialock (213-740-8025).
For information on accessing the live webcast and chat for this event, visit: